Report AGM Limerick 27th & 28th May 2014
We had our AGM in the City of Culture, Limerick at the end of May. We choose Limerick not because it was the City of Culture but because it was central in terms of access and is well supported by transport. As it turned out neither of these issues mattered as the number of members attending was not influenced by them. What really mattered was the hotel and the Kilmurry Lodge was a real gem. Its location and car parking facilities were excellent, the staff were so friendly and helpful that it provided a great atmosphere for our AGM. The food and service was excellent and the weather magnificent.
- Part of large attendance at RMA TUI AGM 2014
- Address by Gerry Quinn, President of TUI
- Address by Mark Jordan, website administrator,
- Visit to Adare
- Village of Adare
- Visit to Desmond Castle
- Visit to Adare
- At AGM Banquet
Over seventy attended the AGM, our guests included Gerry Quinn, Vice President and incoming President of the TUI, Michael Gillespie, Assistant General Secretary TUI and our link with the executive. We had guests from other retired teaching organisations we had Carmel Heneghan President of the Retired Secondary Teachers of Ireland and Marie Clarke, President of the Retired Teachers Association of Ireland. From the Alliance of Retired Public Servants we had the Chairman Brian Burke and we had Tony Kennelly from the Retired Garda association. The AGM was a very active and participative event and Jim McCarthy was returned as Chairman for a further three years.
In the afternoon we went to Adare village for a tour. We were entertained educated and fed by the staff of the Heritage Centre. They met us on the outskirts of the village where the restored Desmond Castle is situated, this was a very informative and impressive tour. The castle has been restored in a grand manner, with walled enclosure and access to many parts of the extensive castle, the wooden doors at the entrance to the castle are most impressive, they were made as they would have been made originally with all the evidence to show. The weather was exceptional, blue skies and high temperatures which is not what was expected we were most grateful. From the castle we went to the Heritage Centre which is in the centre of the village. Here we had nice homemade cakes and refreshments plus a tour of their Historical Exhibition. The staff really looked after us, it is well worth a visit if you are in Adare. The Gala dinner in the Kilmurry Lodge finished off a very positive and productive AGM.
Christy Conville (Secretary)
Motions carried at AGM 2014:
- This AGM of the TUI RMA regrets that because of legislation the TUI are hindered from fulfilling their mandate (as per Rule 8 of the TUI rule book) to represent retired members on pension matters. Accordingly the RMA affirms its support for the Alliance of Retired Public Servants in its primary aim of restoring our pensions. We further welcome the recognition of the Alliance as the representative body for retired public servants as evidenced by meetings and correspondence with senior officials of the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform.
- That this AGM, taking account of the removal of bereavement grants in the last budget, set up a subcommittee to investigate the possibility of the RMA putting in place a benevolent fund, either on its own, or in collaboration with others (e.g. likeminded organisations within the Alliance of Retired Public Servants) to help members in times of bereavement. This subcommittee is to be chaired by the chairperson of the RMA and is to report back to AGM 2015 with regard to progress in its investigations.
- That the National Management Committee of RMA have an Equality Officer.
- That each branch of RMA/TUI RMA have an Equality Officer.
- That the RMA column in “TUI News” which is circulated to RMA members include notices of upcoming Branch events.
- In order to encourage more new RMA applicants to supply email addresses. That RMA application forms contain a note to the effect that such addresses will be, solely, for the purposes of contacting members regarding RMA matters.
- This AGM of the TUI RMA supports the TUI executive and are grateful for the help and services so willingly provided to the RMA. This is in the context of the enormous problems the executive have in fighting for decent pay and conditions for teachers entering the service and indeed protecting conditions of service of all their members against the savage cuts being imposed by the Department of Education and Skills.
- That this AGM of RMA TUI takes exemption to any Branch of TUI putting forward a motion to the TUI Congress purporting to represent the RMA when such a motion or motions were not seen and were not approved by the Management Committee of the RMA. That the RMA requests that the Executive or the Standing Orders Committee of TUI would bring to the attention of the Management Committee of the RMA at the preliminary Agenda stage all or any motions concerning Retired Members.
Motion referred to the Management Committee
The RMA concurs with the view that retired teachers should not engage in part-time teaching or short-term full-time relief teaching. However, regarding the issue of examination supervision and corrections which are not part of teaching contracts, it is the RMA’s view that its members should not be precluded from engaging in such work. The RMA is acutely aware that many of its members have and are experiencing financial pressure, having endured pension reductions, massive increases in health insurance costs, loss of medical cards, property tax and so on. This RMA General Meeting instructs its Management Committee to make the concerns and position of the Association clear to the Executive of the TUI, and to demand that the TUI refrain from taking any measures which negatively impinge on the ability of any sector of its members from engaging in work for which they are suitably qualified.
Management Committee members elected at AGM 2014
Chairperson: Jim McCarthy
Social and Cultural Officer: Paddy Byrne
Area Representatives:
Area 1: Kildare, Carlow, Laois, Wicklow
Moya Corry
Area 2: Roscommon, Longford, Westmeath, Offaly
Oliver McCormack
Area 3: Cavan, Monaghan, Louth, Meath
Martin Hoye
Area 4: Wexford, Waterford, Tipperary, Kilkenny
Eileen Moyles
Area 5: Kerry, Limerick
Didgie O’Connor
Area 7: Galway, Clare, Mayo
Sean Nolan
Area 8: Sligo, Leitrim
Michael Casserly
Area 11: Dublin South
Sean Edwards
Area 12: Dublin Colleges – Third Level
Paddy Healy
Area 13: Dublin City and County Community and Comprehensive Schools
Dolores Gibbons