The customary Mass for deceased members took place at 8.00am
Some 57 members attended the AGM in Limerick. Guests also attended: Gabriel Burke (TUI Executive Committee), Michael Gillespie (TUI Assistant General Secretary), Carmel Heneghan (RSTA), and Brian Mangan (RTAI). Reports were presented from the Chairperson Jim McCarthy, the former Secretary Christy Conville and his successor, from the Treasurer Ray Hatton, and from the Benevolent Fund sub-committee by Mark Jordan in the unavoidable absence of its secretary Jim Connolly. The reports were all adopted. Honoraria were agreed and comply with the €750 cap on TUI honoraria. Tom Raleigh was re-appointed as Auditor. Ray Hatton announced his decision to resign as treasurer. Tributes were paid to Ray and to Christy Conville for their work on behalf of the Association over many years.
Carmel Heneghan addressed the AGM on behalf of the fraternal guests and Michael Gillespie addressed us in the absence through illness of Joanne Irwin TUI Vice-President.
A very substantial number of amendments to our Constitution were passed and the amended version – agreed by the TUI Executive – is now available on the RMATUI website.
A resolution on a revised format for our AGM was discussed and passed. This motion is available also on the website.
Eight motions and one Emergency motion were submitted. One was ruled ‘out of order’ and two were amalgamated by Standing Orders. This resulted in six motions to be discussed. All were passed and have been brought to the attention of the General Secretary of the TUI and to the attention of the Alliance where appropriate. These are also available on the website.
The very enjoyable Afternoon Trip took members (and partners) to the Foynes Flying Boat Museum and suitable refreshments (including Irish Coffee) were availed of.
The Gala Dinner was followed by the Dr. Charles McCarthy memorial lecture. This was an extremely enjoyable presentation by Des Lane on the ‘theatre two-some’ of MacLiammoir and Edwards.
Martin Hoye: RMA Secretary
Click To View Resolutions passed at AGM 2015
- Martin Hoye (Secretary), Jim McCarthy (Chairperson), Ray Hatton (Treasurer).
- Attendance at RMA TUI AGM 2014
- Michael Gillespie (TUI Assistant General Secretary)