AGM 2019
Ordinary Motions passed as amended: 2019 RMATUI AGM May 15th
(P 1) Management Committee
RMATUI commends the efforts by the Alliance to progress the resolution of outstanding issues from FEMPI. As the issue of Negotiation Rights on Pension matters is of great importance to both pensioners and serving Public Servants, the RMA now seeks the support of the TUI Executive in helping to ensure that efforts to win such rights are not frustrated by short-term antipathy among some Congress Unions. We call on TUI to support the Alliance’s efforts when this issue is raised at the Public Services Committee of ICTU.
(P 2) Management Committee
Noting the experience in other jurisdictions where pension parity was lost, RMATUI exhorts the TUI to make every effort to ensure its preservation here. RMATUI further calls on the Executive to document the basis for its preservation, noting the inclusion of Superannuation arrangements in Contracts of employment throughout the Public Service since the foundation of the State, and the various Superannuation Amendment Acts which reinforced that linkage between pay and pension in payment.
(P 3) Co Meath
This AGM notes the challenges faced by RMATUI in its efforts to recruit new members. It commends the efforts made by Branches and by members of the Management Committee in the past year to improve the situation. The AGM urges the Management Committee to continue this work and to expand its contact with TUI Branches with a view to facilitating access to those about to retire.
(P 4) Co Meath
RMATUI expresses its thanks to the Union for its support - financial and otherwise. In particular, this AGM notes the support given by the Hon. Treasurer, all the TUI Finance Committee members, and the Executive Committee, in our efforts to have a TUI Benevolent Fund established. We further acknowledge the challenges facing TUI on the issues of Parity, new entrant pay, and Career Averaged pension entitlement, and assure the Union of our support for its campaigns on these and other issues.
(P 5) Dublin Branch
This AGM of RMATUI calls on the TUI to seek the support of other public sector unions, and to demand that the pay parity linkage of Public Service pensions with the salary of the pensioner's grade, or its subsequent equivalent, at retirement be retained after the expiry of the Public Service Stability Agreement 2018-2020 and the linkage be protected for the future by being put on a statutory basis. (Dublin Branch)
(P 6) Dublin Branch
This AGM of RMATUI requests the Executive Committee TUI to seek the support of other public sector unions, to demand that a negotiation forum be established to deal with Public Sector Pensioners' issues, and that pensioner representative organisations including the Alliance, and the respective trade unions, including TUI have negotiating rights at the forum.
(Note Trade Unions must have negotiating rights at the Forum not just attendance rights)
(P 7) Dublin Branch
This AGM of RMATUI calls on the Executive Committee of TUI to lodge an immediate claim directly with Government for the complete and immediate restoration of all pensions in payment of retired members. This claim is not to be lodged at the Labour Court or the Labour Relations’ Commission but directly with government. The claim must be lodged by the TUI as a trade union on behalf of its pensioned members and its lodgement must not be conditional on the agreement of any other body including any other trade union body or association of pensioners.
(P 8) Dublin Branch
This AGM of RMATUI calls on the TUI to lodge a claim directly with government for the transfer of members in the career-averaged Single Public Service Pension Scheme into the same pension scheme which applies to the longest serving members in the employment concerned.
(P 9) Dublin Branch
This AGM of RMATUI asks that the Executive Committee of TUI fund a legal challenge by an appropriate retired member to the constitutionality of the continued application of PUBLIC SERVICE PENSION REDUCTION (PSPR) to retired members in view of the fact that the financial emergency in the state is now over and that this is reflected in the fact that the Public Service Pay and Pensions Act 2017 is not emergency legislation.
(P 10) Dublin Branch
This RMATUI AGM calls on all members of our organisation to support action on climate change, in particular
1- Every branch of RMA choose one action on climate change per month and promote this among its members.
2- That the RMA lobby TUI and the government for action on climate change
One person alone cannot avert climate change, Ireland alone cannot avert climate change, but we can work to get our house in order, and become a world leader in promoting action on climate change as we have in other areas such as international aid and peacekeeping.
Emergency Motion - RMATUI South East Branch
We ask the Management Committee of RMATUI, as a matter of urgency, to prevail upon the Payroll Shared Services Centre to both apply the increased PSPR exemption limit, which was due in January 2019, to pre- March 2012 retirees and also to pay the increases which were due in January 2018, October 2018 and January 2019 under the Public Service Stability Agreement those who retired since March 2012.