Budget Changes For 2019

Income Tax – the income tax standard rate band is to increase by €750 for all earners:

  • from €34,550 to €35,300 for single individuals and from €43,550 to €44,300 for married couples.


USC  - You pay the Universal Social Charge if your gross income is more than €13,000 per year.

  • €0 – €12,012 at 0.5% (no change)
  • €12,012 – €19,874 at 2% (ceiling raised from €19,372 to €19,874)
  • €19,874 – €70,044 at 4.5% (cut from 4.75%)
  • €70,444 + at 8%

If you are aged 70 or over or a medical card holder aged under 70 and your aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less, you pay a reduced rate of USC.