By now we are well into the 2018/19 school year and the RMA is also up and running. The Management committee had their first meeting on September 27th, the Alliance of Retired Public Servants held its Biannual General Meeting in September, I am pleased to inform you that our Chairperson Martin Hoye has been elected as an officer of the Alliance.

So far this term, branch meetings have taken place in Dublin, Donegal, Sligo/Leitrim, Louth, The Midlands, Kerry, Limerick/Clare/Tipperary, The South East, and Meath.  I would remind members that our constitution allows a member to participate in whichever branch is nearest to them.  This time of the year is also time for Branch AGMs. Branch Officers should note that they should update us when there are changes, and perhaps should take a look at the constitution on the website regarding requirements. If funding is required from the RMA, the Branch Treasurer should submit a statement of expenditure for the year. This should be submitted in any event after the Branch AGM.


The membership of the RMA is constantly changing. Each year, members pass, others forget to renew, but of course we get new blood too, this year over 40 new members have joined already, but we knew that there are many more out there. On behalf of the RMA Officers and Management Committee, I want to thank the President, Vice-President, General Secretary and the TUI Area Representatives for their work in encouraging retirees to join the RMA, and their help in encouraging Branches to fund the first year’s subscription for new RMA members.

As I write this I am looking forward to joining up with seventy RMA colleagues and friends in the Arklow Bay Hotel for our autumn break, full report in our next issue. On March 12th,13th and 14th 2019 we are heading to the West for our spring break in the Hotel Westport, Westport Co. Mayo. Tours may include Ballintiber Abbey, Foxford Woolen Mills, Museum of Country Life, also a tour of Westport House, more details in our next issue and these details will be here on our website

By now all RMA members have received their TUI Diary. But remember, if you don’t pay your subscription, don’t expect to be on the mailing list in future. We encourage members whose pensions are paid by PSSC (retirees from VECs/ETBs/Its) to complete the ‘consent’ form available here  and send it to our Treasurer, or any Officer of the RMA. A membership application is also printed in this issue of TUI News

Finally, I want to encourage all retired TUI members

a)      to join RMATUI if you haven’t  already done so and

b)      to attend at least some RMA Branch meetings.


Most branches have a social and/or cultural dimension, with theatre/cinema visits, guest speakers at meetings, Christmas lunches, trips and so on. National Officers of the RMA regularly attend the local meetings to provide updates on the work of the Management Committee, our ‘dialogue’ with TUI and reports from the Alliance of Retired Public Servants.


Dan Keane, RMA Secretary