Rules of the TUI that refer specifically to retired members.

8. (i) Persons who are in-benefit members of the Union at the time of their
retirement may become members of the Retired Members’ Association
on such conditions as are determined by the Association’s Constitution
and on payment of the subscription determined in rule;
(ii) The Retired Members’ Association shall deal exclusively with matters
affecting their interests as retired teachers;
(iii) The constitution of the Retired Members’ Association shall be approved
by the Executive Committee of the Union and any changes shall be
subject to the approval of the Executive Committee;
(iv) Representation to outside bodies shall be through the Executive
Committee of the Union.
(v) Retired members shall have the right to attend and speak at Branch
meetings but shall not have the right to vote on any matter concerning
the Union, nor shall they hold office under the Union. Retired members
shall not be reckoned as members in calculating the number of
delegates to Congress as provided in Rule 13(ii).