UK Pension Entitlements
courtesy Oliver McCormack, Chairperson, Midlands Branch
1 Entitlement to a UK pension
If a person worked in the UK and paid National Insurance Stamps, this may give entitlement to a UK pension. If there is an entitlement to a pension it may be possible to pay added contributions to the UK Pension Service to enhance this pension. Every person who has paid any UK National Insurance no matter how many should lodge a claim.
More information is available on the Web at
Check eligibility here – just click link below
Download Application form here – just click link below
and at the following address
The Pension Service
Tyneview Park
Newcastle upon Tyne
Phone:0044 191 218 7777
Please note that women are entitled to a UK pension at age 62, while men start receiving the pension at age 65.
2 Non-means tested medical cards
Under EC Regulations/Bilateral Social Security Agreement a person in receipt of an UK pension is entitled to this non-means tested medical card.,.
On the HSE website ( it states that you have automatic entitlement if:
You are living in Ireland and receiving a social security payment from another European Union /European Economic Area (EU/EEA) country or Switzerland and you are not getting an Irish social welfare payment
(apart from Child Benefit or Early Childcare Supplement). You must not be liable to contribute to the Irish Social Welfare System, (i.e. PRSI)
- Click on the HSE link shown above
- Click on “How to apply”
- Click on “Apply by post”
- Click on the link to “application form (Form MC1)
- Follow the instructions on page 2 of the form under the heading “How do I qualify for a Medical Card under European Union (EU) Regulations”
3.Winter Fuel Allowance
All recipients of UK pensions should apply for their winter fuel allowance .Application forms can be downloaded from the above website