Alliance of Retired Public Servants Latest News

ALLIANCE OF RETIRED PUBLIC SERVANTS – Discussions with the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform to begin


Last year Mr. Brendan Howlin, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, in correspondence with the Alliance, agreed to ongoing engagement on public service pension matters once it had a formalised structure. The minister also agreed to “move towards reducing the burden of public service pension reduction, with the initial focus on the people in receipt of low pensions, at the earliest date economic progress permits.”
Since the Alliance has been formally constituted, the Council of the Alliance has written to the Minister seeking a meeting, and a reply has been received inviting representatives of the Alliance to meet senior officials of the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform at the end of April. Members will be kept informed of developments. The Council has also issued a press release highlighting the inequity of the public service pension cuts and an article appeared in the Irish Times on Monday March 31st last based on this.