RMA News February 2024
‘Building Momentum’ the previous pay agreement expired on the 31st December 2023 and a replacement agreement ‘Public Service Agreement 2024-2026’ has been negotiated between the government and the ICTU public services committee and is now out to ballot of union members. The main terms of the new agreement are as follows:
A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 2.5% on 1st January 2024
A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st June 2024
A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st October 2024
A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 2% on 1st March 2025.
A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st August 2025.
A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st February 2026
A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st June 2026
An additional local bargaining up to a maximum of 3% of the basic pay inclusive of allowances in the nature of pay. This may include proposals involving changes in structures work practices or other conditions of service. Implementation of adjustments will be on a phased basis. The first instalment, equivalent to 1% of the basic pay cost, will be implemented on 1st September 2025 and the balance will fall to be addressed in any successor pay agreement. This final 1% may not be payable to retired public servants but the other 9.5% will be due to retirees if the union members agree to it in the up-coming ballot, as parity of pension to pay of the serving officer has been extended to the end of the Public Service Agreement 2024-2026 (June 30th 2026)
Spring Break
As I mentioned in the last issue of TUI News we will be having our Spring Break in the Charleville Park Hotel & Leisure Centre on Tuesday to Thursday 19th, 20th and 21st March 2024
With tours planned for Wednesday to Cobh Co Cork and on Thursday to Bruree Co Limerick and Foynes Flying Boat Museum.
The AGM of the RMA will be held on Wednesday May 15th in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone.
The AGM will follow the usual format: Registration 10.30 – 11.30, followed by the AGM, with a light lunch available-at your own expense – and finishing at 4.30 pm. Dinner will follow at 7.00 pm. Branches are reminded that motions for the AGM and Amendments to the RMA constitution must be with the RMA secretary rmasec@tuimail.ie before March 1st 2024.
Dan Keane
RMA Secretary