RMA News May 2024

As I write this article in the middle of April, I am looking forward to joining up with RMA colleagues in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel Athlone for our AGM on May 15th, a report from our AGM will appear in the next issue of TUI News.

On March 19th, 20th and 21st Fifty members of the RMA and friends had a very enjoyable Spring break in the 4 Star Charleville Park Hotel and Leisure Centre Charleville Co Cork.

Day 1 saw tours to two museums; Old Irish Ways Museum and Foynes Flying Boat Museum. See photograph of the group taken outside Foynes Flying Boat Museum courtesy of Tony Lennon.

Day 2 A visit to Cobh Titanic Experience and Heritage Centre.

Autumn Break

The venue for our Autumn break will be the Cavan Crystal Hotel Cavan on 8th, 9th and 10th October 2024. Details of tours etc have not been finalised at present but will be up on our website www.rmatui.ie when they are available and will be sent out to all members in late August with our renewal letters and TUI diaries.


Public Service Agreement 2024-2026

As I mentioned in the last issue the ‘Public Service Agreement 2024-2026’ was out to ballot of members of the Public Service unions The union members voted to accept the agreement, the main terms of which are as follows:


  • A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 2.25% on 1st January 2024A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st June 2024  
  • A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st October 2024


  •  A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 2% on 1st March 2025.
  • A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st August 2025.


  • A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st February 2026
  • A general round increase in annualised basic salary for all public servants of 1% on 1st June 2026

An additional local bargaining up to a maximum of 3% of the basic pay inclusive of allowances in the nature of pay. This may include proposals involving changes in structures work practices or other conditions of service. Implementation of adjustments will be on a phased basis. The first instalment, equivalent to 1% of the basic pay cost, will be implemented on 1st September 2025 and the balance will fall to be addressed in any successor pay agreement.  This final 1% may not be payable to retired public servants but the other 9.25% will be due to retirees, as parity of pension to pay of the serving officer has been extended to the end of the Public Service Agreement 2024-2026 (June 30th 2026)

TUI Annual Congress

The TUI Annual Congress took place in Killarney Co Kerry over Easter. RMA chairperson Michael McNulty and myself attended and I am delighted to report that the motions of interest to the RMA which were on the Final Agenda were debated and adopted. I would like on behalf of the RMA to thank those TUI branches that submitted the motions and the branches that gave them a high priority to enable them to be debated and of course thanks to the Congress delegates for their support of the motions.

As this is the last issue of TUI News for the current school year, I would like to wish all our teaching colleagues enjoyable holidays, I know they are well deserved after a long year. To our RMA members I hope you have a wonderful summer and I look forward to meeting up with and talking to you all during the next school year.

Dan Keane, RMA Secretary.