RMA News Feb 2020

As I write this article in mid February I am looking forward to joining up with RMA colleagues and friends in the Rose Hotel Tralee, Co. Kerry for our spring break on March 24th, 25th and 26th and I will give a full report on this break in our next issue.

We have started initial planning for our Autumn break which will take place in October next, but nothing has been finalised as of yet. A booking form and details will be up on our website www.rmatui.ie when we have a venue and will be sent out to all members in late August or early September with our renewal letters.


The Annual General Meeting of the Retired Members Association will take place on May13th in the Ardilaun Hotel, Thurles, Galway, details including booking form etc, will be up on website www.rmatui.ie and will be sent to all members during March.

Alliance News

Since the General Election, the lobbying effort has continued.  The Alliance has been in touch with all the Political Parties and with the Independent T.Ds. reiterating our demands and seeking to have them included in their Programme for Government, if participating.  Before the Election, the Parties were also written to, but a number did not respond.  Positive responses were received from Fianna Fáil – who included Representation at Pay/Pension talks in their manifesto -, and People before Profit. Aontu was also supportive. The Labour party is seeking a Commission on Pensions, and Fine Gael merely acknowledged receipt of the Alliance letter.  No response was received from the Green Party, the Social Democrats or from Sinn Fein.

TUI Annual Congress   

Our Chairperson Martin Hoye and I have received invitations to attend the TUI Annual Congress at Easter in Killarney and are looking forward to representing the RMA there. This year at the TUI Congress, TUI members will have the opportunity to show their support for two issues which are of significance to us as retired members and of significance for their own future.  Motions will appear aiming to set up a ‘Benevolent Fund’ for the Union including its retired members.  Also, delegates will hear about the importance of retaining ‘Pension Parity’ when the PSSA ends at the end of this year.  This is an issue which will command the attention of all union members, retired or not.

Finally, colleagues, can I remind you that motions submitted for our own AGM in Galway in May, will be circulated and you will have the opportunity to amend them, but such amendments must be submitted to me by May 1st (2 weeks before the AGM).

Dan Keane, RMA Secretary.