Circular 0038/2023

Building Momentum - A New Public Service Agreement 2021-2022
Implementation of Sectoral Bargaining with effect from
1 February 2022– Payment of PME/HDip Allowance to post primary
teachers on the pre-2011 teacher pay scale

Circular 0038/2023

Building Momentum - A New Public Service Agreement 2021-2022
Implementation of Sectoral Bargaining with effect from
1 February 2022– Payment of PME/HDip Allowance to post primary
teachers on the pre-2011 teacher pay scale

Circular 0035/2023

Teacher Supply Post Primary:
Teaching Hours Extension Scheme for 2023/2024

Circular Letter 0043/2023

Revision of salaries of certain grades other than Teachers and
SNAs employed by ETBs under Building Momentum - A New Public
Service Agreement 2021-2023 (“The Agreement”)
Application of pay adjustments due on 1 October 2023